December 8, 2022Attic Remediation and InsulationHere’s an update from a recent project we completed in Largo, FL. The photos below show an attic restoration where all of the insulation was removed by hand and the…Read More
November 17, 2022What’s the Difference Between Animal Control and Pest Control?While many people are familiar with the term animal control, they may not be aware of the term pest control and what it entails. Animal control can focus on domestic animals,…Read More
November 17, 2022How to Raccoon-Proof Your HouseThe raccoon population in the United States has recently been increasing at an alarming rate, and these masked critters are now showing up in urban areas where they’ve never been…Read More
November 17, 2022Common Wildlife Removal Misconceptions ExplainedWildlife removal can be scary for homeowners and landlords when they don’t know much about the process. This common fear leads to many misconceptions about wildlife, such as how to humanely…Read More
August 5, 2022How to Keep Rodents Out of Your ShedKeeping rodents out of your shed can be a real task. But when you call on World Class results, the rodents will be gone for good.Read More
August 1, 2022What Kind of Wildlife Gets Into Warehouses?Removing wildlife in warehouses once you learn which ones frequent warehouses and what they love about your place. Call World ClassRead More
July 10, 2022Six Major Homeowner Complaints Regarding SquirrelsThis is the time that the squirrels are breeding and are looking for places to have their springtime litter.Read More
July 5, 2022Are Roof Rats Dangerous?When roof rats decide to take a break in your roof or attic, we need answers to the question; are roof rats dangerous? Contact World Class.Read More
June 20, 2022Orphaned or Injured Animals Found in FloridaClearly, the instinct is to help when most people see orphaned or injured animals. Learn what to do if you find orphaned or injured animals. Read More
June 10, 2022Opossums in Your Backyard!Late at night, you hear a strange rustling in the backyard. Opossums? What should you do if you find opossums in your backyard?Read More