If you live in Florida, you know that each season brings wildlife out from hiding places. The slight break in temperature allows temperature-sensitive animals to get out and about without the danger of scorching. Fall’s wildlife comes to life in Florida.
Baby squirrels are beginning to peek their heads out of the nest. Birds complete their gatherings for the winter. And bears are moving for perhaps the last time until spring. And the little fawn follows closely to mama deer, filling up on food and growing strong. For animal lovers and bird watchers, the Fall is a captivating time to sit in the woods and watch as the Fall’s wildlife emerges each day.
That said, in populated areas, the Fall’s wildlife can accidentally wind up invading your space and taking over. So, suppose you have an unwanted bird’s nest on the porch or a family of animals feasting on your fall garden veggies. In that case, you may need to call for wildlife removal. And that is okay. Because World Class Wildlife Removal loves animals of all kinds too. We will come to your home and get the pests out safely and humanely.
Learning About Fall’s Wildlife?
What is there to know about Fall’s Wildlife in Florida? There is plenty to learn. The Monarch butterfly glides into Florida about this time. And, here are a few of the wildlife you may not realize emerge in the Fall.

The Birds of the Fall
If you take the time to put out bird feeders and look to the trees, you may get a chance to see the activity of the birds of the Fall months.
- Great Horned Owls and Barred Owls are busy courting in the Fall. Listen for their beautiful call.
- Red-Headed Woodpeckers are busy in the Fall, tending to hatchlings and finding food.
- Goldfinches are looking for feeders in north Florida.
- Cedar Waxwings flock south for the winter.
- Bald Eagles begin the mating season and will perform their aerial courtship routines.
- Sandhill Cranes come back to the south from their northern homes.
- Yellow-Rumped Warblers and Palm Warblers swarm neighborhoods.
- Gray Catbirds begin searching the thickets for cats.
- Raptor birds arrive for the winter like the vulture and the hawk.
- A bit later, the Christmas bird shows up to provide bird watchers a glimpse.
- And the songbirds fly in for the winter, like the Kinglets, Phoebes, Robins, and others.

The Mammals of the Fall
In addition to the flying residents, the mammals roam in the fall, searching winter’s home. Here are a few you may see or locate the tracks of.
- Bears, yes, bears are roaming the woods and sometimes even surrounding neighborhoods. Secure your trash cans if you live near a wooded area.
- The Deer are in rut in the Fall.
- River Otters are seen bobbing in and out of the water.
- Bats like the Hoary and the Red Bat take to the skies in Northern Florida.
- Right Whales will even show up off Sebastian Inlet.
- Bobcat kittens can be spotted with their mothers.
- Rodents are a year-round problem. And they can be dangerous when they get in the home.
- And Manatees move into the warm springs and in the way of the boaters in Florida’s waters.
Fall’s Amphibians
Croaking their way into an intensified calling is the Ornate Chorus Frog.
Fish in the Fall
Swimming around in the waters of Florida in the Fall are several fish. And although fish may not need removal services, it is still fun to know which are arriving in Fall.
- The Spotted Sea Trout will enter the tidal creeks and settle in around Thanksgiving.
- And the Bass congregate in the jetties.
Preventing Fall’s Wildlife From Invading the Home
To keep the house and animals safe, preventing wildlife from entering the home is a process homeowners must go through. Additionally, you may want to ensure they do not get into your yard at all. Here is what we suggest.
1. First, don’t feed the wildlife. If you give them a reason to come searching, they will be challenging to convince to go.
2. Second, you can remove all attractors to the yard, like pet food bowls, fallen fruits, nuts, seeds, and other things they like.
3. Next, you can try scaring them off the premises. A pet dog will warn them to stay out. And a motion sensor sprinkler will startle the wildlife off.
4. Now, block all entry points to the home like vents and gutter openings.
5. Finally, there are certain plants most wildlife hate. Daffodils have a toxin that makes them inedible, so nothing will try and eat those. Your local plant store will know just which ones would work best in your area.

When to Leave Wildlife Alone
The general rule is to allow wildlife to do what it was created to do; be wild. And unless they are causing a problem for you and the safety of your family, we agree. If you find a baby animal, it is best to leave it where it lies. You see, animals are seldom abandoned. So, leaving them there may encourage them to get up and look for Mama, or perhaps she is watching nearby.
However, if you think the wildlife is injured, it is best to call a Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator. Even with the best intentions, so many animals are “rescued” every day by people who do not have the expertise to do so.
Likewise, if you have a nuisance animal on the property, you may want help to get the pest out of the yard or home. Wild animals can be aggressive and dangerous. Be sure to call on the professional service of a reputable wildlife removal company, like that of World Class Wildlife Removal.
A Note About Endangered Species
Did you know there are a lot of protected animals in the state of Florida? If you have a critter on your property and don’t know every protected animal, you may want to call someone who does. Want to see what you can do to help preserve endangered animals?
- Educate yourself, friends, and family on the protection of Florida’s Fall wild animals.
- Stay off the dunes and out of unknown forestry. Use sidewalks and paths instead.
- Throw away trash to keep predators away.
- Keep pets on a leash.
- Keep outdoor lighting to a minimum.
- And plant native coastal plants if you have beach property to help provide stability to the dunes and natural food sources for wild animals that belong here.
The World Class Wildlife Removal professionals know which animals are covered, how to handle them, and where to take them for relocation. Contact us today for safe handling and removal of Fall’s wildlife.
Florida Has Plenty of Wildlife, and World Class Can Help
The best way to make sure you never have critters invading your home or property is to call a wildlife removal company like World Class to examine the house.
Do you have a wildlife issue at your Florida home or business? Don’t suffer through sleepless nights with critters scurrying through your home. Get help from the wildlife company equipped to remove and relocate the pests from your house.
Contact World Class Wildlife Removal today for your free home inspection.