Up there with spiders and snakes, bats are some of the most feared creatures by humans.
Their creepy reputation comes from old mythical tales and iconic films of vampires. According to the stories, a person transforms into an immortal, blood-sucking killer upon being bitten by a bat.
No wonder your skin crawls when bats are mentioned. Unfortunately, all bats have assumed this inaccurate characteristic. But World Class Wildlife is here to clear some of the mystery around bats.
Read on to discover if the myths are true- Do bats suck blood?
What Species of Bats Suck Blood?
The direct answer to this question is no bats suck blood. However, there is a bat that regularly consumes the blood of animals by lapping it up with its tongue. In fact, they are appropriately named Vampire Bats.
Contradicting common myth, you’ll never find this bat sinking its teeth in and sucking blood like Count Dracula.

About Vampire Bats
Only three types of Vampire Bats consume blood. None of which reside in Florida or anywhere else in North America- thank goodness!
Vampire bats are a small species of bat measuring about two to three inches from head to toe. Their bodies are covered in grizzly gray-brown fur. Like many other bats, their snouts are short and round, and their ears are relatively large for their little heads.
Vampire Bats live mainly in Central and South America and Mexico. They dwell in caves, mines, forested areas, and even abandoned buildings.
Behavior and Diet:
Just like any other bat, Vampire Bats are nocturnal and do most of their feeding at night.
For the most part, the bats feed on domesticated cattle, especially cows, pigs, and horses. The bat will make a tiny cut in the animal’s skin with razor-sharp teeth to sip on its blood slowly. The nick seldomly causes any physical pain to the sleeping animal. Because of this sneaky tactic, the Vampire Bat will go completely unnoticed.
Do Vampire Bats Suck Blood from Humans?
When given a chance, Vampire Bats will consume human blood. However, the probability of this happening to just anyone is slim. To become the bat’s next tasty meal, you’d need to be sleeping outdoors in an area known to have a population of Vampire Bats. Otherwise, you can consider yourself safe.
Keep in mind that no bats suck blood. Instead, they use their rough tongues to lap up the tiny drop of blood, similar to how a cat drinks water. Fortunately, they only consume about a tablespoon of blood in one sitting. Therefore, humans are mostly unaffected when fed on by the Vampire Bat. Still, rabies may be a concern, and experts strongly recommend getting a rabies shot if you happen to encounter such a situation.

Bats In Florida
Our sunshine state is home to numerous species of bats, but certainly not the Vampire Bat. So, we can count ourselves lucky!
Florida bats live in many different habitats like the inside of trees, dark caves, abandoned buildings, and under interstate bridges.
There are 13 unique species of bats residing in Florida. A few of the most common bats you’ll find are:
- Evening Bat
- Seminole Bat
- Northern Yellow Bat
- Brazilian Free-tailed Bat
- Big Brown Bat
What do Florida Bats Eat?
Bats in Florida will consume various insects, nectar, pollen, and fruits, depending on the species. We Floridians should be thanking our neighborly bats. They eat many pests, including pesky mosquitoes.
So, you can wipe the sweat from your brow. Florida bats do not consume blood. And most importantly, they never prey on humans. In fact, human interaction with bats is considered rare.

Florida Bat Removal with World Class Wildlife Removal
Now you know the answer to this mysterious question- Do bats suck blood?
Simply put, the answer is no. But certain bats, like the Vampire Bat, do consume the blood of some animals by lapping up tiny amounts at a time. And thankfully, the likelihood of one of these bats preying on human blood is very uncommon.
But being aware of Vampire Bats and the misconceptions of their blood-consuming behaviors doesn’t always reduce the stress of finding bats on your property or in your Florida home.
Signs of bats in your home:
- Hearing scratching sounds from your attic, usually occurring at night.
- Smelling the pungent, ammonia-like odor from the bats’ droppings.
What to do with the bats in your home:
- Safely close the bat into a separate space, like the bathroom or a spare room.
- Stuff a towel underneath the closed door to keep the bats from escaping.
- Call the experts at World Class Wildlife Removal by dialing 727-754-8585. Our team is available 24/7 for all your bat removal needs.
World Class is your one-stop shop for all aspects of bat removal: bat inspection, bat eviction, repairs, remediation, and we help guide your business through complicated insurance questions. We also provide decontamination and attic insulation replacement for residential and commercial properties.
If you have bats flying around your Florida home, don’t wait! Give World Class Wildlife Removal a call today.