What you should do if birds have nested in your home?
Anticipating new baby birds’ arrival from their eggs is an exciting and beautiful thing to watch. If you are lucky, you will get to see it near your home at least once in your lifetime. However, after the birds hatch and fly the nest, you’ll want that nest gone. Birds making a mess of your porch is never a good thing.
Here are the reasons you don’t want birds making a mess on your porch.
The Dangers of Birds Making a Mess of Your Porch
Ostrich, Emu, Vulture, and other aggressive birds are undoubtedly dangerous. But these are not the type that will nest in and around your home. Every day, community birds will make use of any area to build their nest. That’s all good unless it is in your home or place of business. If they nest near the front door, you have a real problem.
Why you ask? If you have ever seen a mama bird protect her home, you would know. These birds can become quite aggressive, even attacking humans nearing the nest. Just trying to enter your home can become tricky if a mama bird is on her nest.
Other reasons they would be considered a nuisance are the following.
- They can make a real mess of your porch, with bird droppings everywhere.
- Their droppings can be dangerous, carrying diseases that may harm children and pets.
- Birds are known to be noisy with their chatter. They can even wake you way too early.
- Should they build a nest in vents or gutters, they can form a blockage or a clog and cause additional problems.
So, if you have a bird’s nest on the porch, you will definitely want to have it professionally removed.
Nest Removal
When you spot the nest, it is good to determine the bird’s type occupying the perch. This will help the removal company to determine what equipment they will need and where it would be best to relocate the birds.
Wildlife removal companies will know if a bird is endangered and what the law says about removing their nests. In Florida, there are several endangered and many threatened species of birds you may never have thought to. Specific varieties of falcons, warblers, sparrows, woodpeckers, jays, eagles, and more are on those lists.
You will also want to be sure there are no eggs in the nest. No one wants to harm eggs or take babies from their mamas.
Should you want to try removing the nest on your own, follow these steps.
- Make sure there are no eggs or chicks in the nest.
- Determine the time when the nest is empty, and the bird is off foraging.
- Wear heavy-duty gloves to avoid spreading germs and disease.
- Clean the area with bleach and water once the nest is gone.

Preventing Birds Making a Mess of Your Porch
There is no doubt, a bird beginning to nest is a sight to behold. Just watching how they pick each twig and piece with care is a wonder. They are beautiful, nurturing, and entertaining, as well. But, once the thrill of the hatch has gone, you will want to prevent the birds from coming back again. Here are the things to keep an eye on.
Pets in the home are an excellent deterrent to keep birds away from your home.
More Obviously, remove birdbaths and bird feeders from the yard for the time being.
Fake bird statues will let them know the place already has a resident there. Birds are territorial and will not build where another is.
Humane bird spikes can be found almost anywhere and will keep the bird from returning to the spot next time.
Block chimney holes, gutters, and vent openings with wire mesh to keep birds from blocking them.
Call World Class Wildlife Removal
If you find birds making a mess of your porch or perhaps in your attic, you should call World Class Wildlife Removal as soon as you can. The professionals at World Class will determine the next course of action for you. They know the laws for your state and what to do with the birds they retrieve. That way, you avoid any unnecessary problems.
You can count on the experts at World Class Wildlife Removal to address the damage that may have been done, remove the nest, and relocate the birds if necessary. They will also make sure the birds do not return to the same spot.
So, contact World Class Wildlife Removal to rid your home of the bird’s nest and any other critter invasion you might encounter.