The mere thought sends shivers down your spine. What if the critters get loose in the house? And will they ever stop making that noise? The answer is, no, they will not stop making the noises until you remove the animals from the attic.
The awareness that you have any animals in your attic is rather scary. Attic pests like raccoons, squirrels, mice, rats, and bats will keep you up at night. Simply imagining the damage they are creating is a real nightmare. Possibly the worst is the odor they make. So, if you are asking how to remove animals from the attic, keep reading.
Identify the Critter in Question
Knowing what animal you are up against is the first step to getting the critter out of the attic. You see, depending on the pest in question, they can do a great deal of damage to your attic in a matter of no time at all. Those resourceful creatures will use anything they can find to make the home a perfect place to nest. But how do you know what animal it is without actually confronting it? Well, here is your first clue. All but the squirrel are nocturnal, and no critter wants to let you see them in the act. So, here are some basic signs to help you identify the animal in the attic.
- The raccoon will sound heavy and leave larger footprints. They also defecate in a rather large pile.
- You may hear squirrels in the day. They are quick and chattery, and they love to jump from place to place.
- A rat leaves grease marks along the walls, and you can see trail markings in the attic dust. The droppings are scattered and more extensive than those of a mouse.
- Mice are smaller than rats and will leave similar but smaller marks. They, too, leave grease rubs along walls and the entry point. And mice chew on wood and walls.
- Bat clusters will leave a pile of bat guano and sleep all day, hanging in your attic.
Now that you have identified the critters, you can determine how to get rid of them. A responsible way to learn the regulations for animal removal in your area would be to contact the local wildlife agency or state extension service. They list which animals need to be dealt with professionally and which species may be on the protected list. You would never want to harm an animal that is endangered or protected.
Removing the Animals From the Attic
At this point, you can determine and purchase the equipment you need to get them out. However, you may have no desire to get your hands dirty on this one. That is not a problem. Your local wildlife removal company can take care of unwanted pest removal.
For a quick guide, read on.
We highly suggest you don’t try this one on your own. Raccoons can be quite aggressive, especially if they are taken from a nest. Call your local pest removal to remove raccoons.
As for the squirrels, state and local law may require you to have them professionally removed. Be sure to check first. Then if you have the all-clear to remove them on your own, you will need a metal cage trap with nuts and peanut butter. That way, the squirrel can be released outside when caught.

The first piece of advice for a mice infestation is to get them out quickly. Lay several traps baited with peanut butter to catch them.
Rats are larger, smarter, and more challenging to catch. They are more cautious and not as curious as the mouse. You really need to make them want whatever you place in the trap. Since rats can grow rather large, you may want to enlist the help of your local wildlife removal company for rat removal.
For bat infestations, we suggest another “do not remove” tag is issued here. Don’t try this one. Bats are almost impossible to try to catch, and they will bite and scratch. Bats get encouraged out, not captured.

Using the right size and type of trap for each animal is critical to catching each one. Traps are not one size fits all. And we never suggest using poison. If animals are poisoned, it is an excruciating and horrible death. Not to mention, if they die in the corner of your attic or the walls, you may not find them until you begin to smell the decay. No one wants that.
Humanely Remove Animals From the Attic
The best way to get rid of unwanted guests is not to invite them in, in the first place. Identify points of entry before they are attracted to your home and seal them up. When you call World Class Wildlife Removal, our technicians will examine your home and property, inform you of pest attractors around the house, and eliminate any and all points of entry. That is the most humane way to deal with a pest invasion.
Despite your best efforts, you may still get a curious pest in your attic. In that case, a professional company like World Class Wildlife Removal has the tools and experience to get the job done in the most humane way possible.
So, make your appointment today for a full examination of your property and home with World Class Wildlife Removal.