While squirrels are sometimes ridiculously adorable and they are fun to watch jump about the trees they can also cause some real headaches.
Squirrels can destroy a garden, demolish a bird feeder, and cause chaos in your home. They can make holes in your roof, set up nests in the attic and crawlspaces and ruin your insulation.
Overall, you don’t want a ton of squirrels hanging around your property. Here we give you our ten tips on how to get rid of squirrels in your yard.
1. Don’t Feed Them
The fastest way to get rid of squirrels is to stop providing for their needs. Unknowingly, many homeowners are feeding the entire neighborhood of squirrels. But, weigh your enjoyment of watching birds with the potential damage of squirrels. You may decide to get rid of the bird feeder altogether.
Make sure bird feeders are squirrel safe. Make sure to keep an eye on any fruiting trees or plants to harvest promptly before they attract the neighborhood squirrels. Keep your composting scraps in sealed containers.
Make sure all trash is in sealed bins.
2. Remove Squirrel Attractants
Fallen fruit, nuts, seeds, and other tasty morsels all lure squirrels into your yard. Rake regularly and do an inspection of your outdoor spaces to pick up these squirrel attractants.
3. Scare Them Away
Consider getting a pet that likes to hang out in the backyard to scare any unwanted wildlife away. After a while, the squirrels will learn they are no longer welcome in that yard.
If you can’t get a new pet right now there is also commercially available predator urine that you can spray around the perimeter of your yard. This will tell the squirrels it isn’t safe and they will avoid the space.
4. The Super Soaker Method
Set up some motion detection sprinklers around your yard and watch the fun. The water will turn on when any unwanted critter enters and the spray will give them a fright without hurting them.
They won’t come back again.
5. Prohibit Their Entry
Block the entry of squirrels by placing piping around exposed wires. They will no longer be able to grip the wire so they won’t be able to get in.
6. Deter Their Entry
If you’re having trouble keeping the squirrels out of your yard you can at least keep them away from your plants and trees with squirrel baffles. These are metal collars that surround your trees and garden to guard against the squirrels.
You can also place netting or fencing around your plants to protect them as well.
7. Use Plants to Repel Them
There are certain types of flowers that squirrels hate. Daffodils have a toxin that makes them inedible so nothing will try and eat those.
Squirrels also don’t like the tasted of hyacinth, allium, or snowdrops. Consider planting these spring bulbs around your garden to deter the squirrels from exploring further in.
8. Keep Them Out of Your Home
If nothing is working with keeping squirrels out of your yard then you might have a bigger problem. The squirrels might already have nested in your home.
Call in a professional team of squirrel control experts to come and inspect the property and confirm or deny the presence of squirrels inside. Also, make any repairs suggested to keep them from coming back.
Call World Class Wildlife Removal Today for How to Get Rid of Squirrels in Your Yard
The professional team of squirrel removal experts at World Class will have your property squirrel free quickly.
Contact us today and schedule an appointment for a free inspection.