Call World Class Wildlife Removal for Critter Control Services.
Some of us like pets, others don’t. For some, the more exotic or wild, the better. And all that is great until an unwanted pest makes its way into your home or on your property. In that case, you will need the expert critter control that World Class Wildlife Removal provides in Clearwater and West Florida.
World Class Critter Control for Your Property
How do you control wild critters on your property? And why is it necessary? Can’t the creatures just be free to roam the property and do their thing? Well, sure. But not if you are an avid gardener or a farmer. If you invest time in your landscaping or yard, critters can destroy all your hard work in a matter of minutes if left to “do their thing.”
Those pesky critters that look so cute building their nests and foraging for food can upend your garden, dig holes and uproot your lawn. And, if they decide your bushes are an excellent place to nest, they can mess up the bushes branch system pretty bad. Not to mention if the animal gets territorial.
Raccoons, skunks, snakes, moles, and other rodents will do significant damage to your property. Deer will eat your beautiful flowers and garden, and don’t get us started on the woodpecker. If you have ever had wood siding or pillars on your home, you know just what I am talking about.
For World Class Wildlife Removal for Critter Control, call us right away to get them off your property and keep them off.

World Class Critter Control for Your Home
On the property and in the yard is a whole different story than in your house. When a critter makes its way into the attic, crawl space, basement, garage, or shed, it can really cause problems. Here are just a few of the issues they will create.
- Critters like rodents will chew wiring, tear up insulation, and destroy the walls in the area they choose.
- Raccoons will really make a mess. Not only will they tear up insulation, but they will defecate and urinate in one pile called a “latrine.” That spot will then become contaminated, needing professional remediation.
- Bats will drop their guano all over, spreading bacteria and disease.
Need any more examples? If you think you may have a critter in your home, it is best to call World Class for critter control right away.
How Are Critters Controlled?
Really, there are two main ways of critter control no matter whether they are in the yard or the house. Both methods are equally important. The two courses are to prevent critters from entering in the first place and to remove them promptly if they get in. Here is what we mean.
Critter Prevention
Preventing critters and pests from entering the home and yard is simpler than you think. While wildlife repellents work on some animals, you can take several additional measures to control them from entering.
- Remove any overgrown brush they may be able to hide or nest in.
- Be sure there is no food source attracting them, like pet food left on the porch, bird feeders, and fruit falling from trees on the ground.
- Cover trash cans with tight-fitting lids.
- Fence the yard with a tall fence to keep out larger wildlife.
- Keep limbs trimmed and away from the roofline.
- Store firewood off the ground.
- Cover entries such as the chimney, gutters, downspouts, and vents.
There are plenty of other ways you can prevent pests from entering the home and yard. The best thing to do is to call World Class to inspect the yard and house and recommend a plan to critter control your personal space.

Critter Removal
When you call for critter control to a local company like World Class Wildlife Control, you are making a wise choice. Because animal removal isn’t always as simple as shooing them out, an expert is called in for full remediation of the area.
Trying to control the wildlife in your area may prove to be challenging. Countless clients have spent too much money trying to eradicate a nuisance animal when they finally call World Class. So, do yourself a favor and call as soon as you identify a problem critter on your property and for sure if you get one in the house.
Something Important to Consider
One more thought, there are a lot of protected animals in the state of Florida. If you have a critter on your property and don’t know each and every protected animal, then you may want to call someone who does. The professionals at World Class Wildlife Removal know which animals are protected, how to handle them, and where to take them for relocation. Here is a link to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service if you want to look at a list.
Otherwise, leave the removal of protected animals to the pros.
If you find yourself needing help in the critter control department, call World Class Wildlife Removal right away.