What All Homeowners Need to Know About Squirrels and Squirrel Removal.
If you live in Florida, you are familiar with rodents of all types. Perhaps the most common is the squirrel. Watching their acrobatic skills as the squirrels jump from rooftop to tree limb, to electrical wire and back again is a sight to behold. A squirrel can stretch farther than you think it can to reach that perfect twig. Then it will snap right back to the branch it was on. Tree squirrels are as active and as cute as can be. So, why are squirrels considered pests?
If you have ever had one trapped in your home, you know precisely why! If not, keep reading to learn more about the pesky, albeit cute squirrel.
A Little About Squirrels.
There are several types of squirrels. The most common in Florida is the gray squirrel. These cute critters are active year-round and are busy all day long. They live in the trees in nests they build from leaves and twigs. If you have never had the chance to watch a squirrel build a nest, it is fascinating.
Squirrels climb and jump on anything they need to get where they are going. They are incredibly nervous, careful, and excitable. If danger is near, they will retreat straight up the nearest tree.
Squirrels are no trouble when they stay in their trees. They simply go about the business of building their nest and locating food to bury. Other than the pitter-patter of little feet and the crunchings and munchings of their daily activity, squirrels are not a bother.

What Makes Squirrels Considered Pests?
To get right to the point, squirrels are masters at “breaking and entering.” When a squirrel decides to come out of his tree home and take up residence elsewhere, you had better hope your home doesn’t have anything it would consider an entry point.
The smallest of holes in your eaves, roof, fascia, and soffits are an entry point worth picking. Once the squirrel has decided it has found an excellent place to enter, it will be determined to get in by any means. And, once they consider it theirs, they are challenging to get to leave.
Damage to the Home Caused by Squirrels.
To build their new nest in the warm environment of your attic, basement, or walls, the squirrel will gnaw cables, pick at walls, pull away shingles, create holes in siding, and cause a ton of structural damage.
Inside the home, they can damage your heating and air conditioning system and electrical system. In the attic, squirrels are a particular problem. They will tear at and shred your insulation to make the home their own. If you store scrapbooks or old clothing in the attic, they will be in pieces when you see them next. These are definitely good reasons to make squirrels considered pests
How to Keep Squirrels From Getting In Your Home.
You can take several precautions to ensure these cute squirrels stay in the trees where they belong, not in your home.
Start with these tips:

- Trim away tree branches that are close to the roof line.
- Remove items leaning against the house, giving the squirrel a ladder for entry.
- Move brick pavers or firewood stacks to a location not adjacent to the walls of the home.
- Seal all possible entry points. Remember, a tiny hole can be torn open.
- Check all gutters and roof lines for possible ways to enter.
What to Do if a Squirrel Gets in Your Home.
First and foremost, you must know that a squirrel will bite when disturbed. The removal process involves trapping and relocation. There are many humane traps available for purchase. Placing the trap in an area frequented by the squirrels’ traffic pattern will help you catch it. When setting the trap, bait it with peanut butter and nuts to attract the squirrel. Once you have the squirrel in the trap, you will need to call wildlife removal.
The most natural solution is to call a wildlife removal company from the start. They will determine the entry point, discover the travel patterns, safely bait and set the traps, and assess the damage. Leaving the job to a professional like those at World Class Wildlife Removal will save you time and money. The sooner you get the squirrel out, the less damage they have time to do.
You should also know, sealing the entry point without assurance all rodents are gone can be a big problem. When sealed in, the squirrels will go crazy, creating extensive damage. Not to mention, no one wants to seal in a baby squirrel without its mama squirrel.
And a dead squirrel in the walls or attic… let’s not go there.
The Good news is, World Class Wildlife Removal can take care of the cute little pests in a healthy, organic, and effective manner. Leave the trapping to the professionals and reclaim your home.