Expert Gulfport Pest Control & Wildlife Removal Services Company
What can one say about Gulfport, FL? It is lovely, with a colorful beachy vibe, and is the “Gateway to the Gulf” for Florida residents. In fact, they say it best…
“We’ve been called funky, eclectic, artsy, charming, progressive, welcoming, warm, and yes, even weird. We are a small town, but we have a big heart. It’s easy to make yourself at home here. Visit us and we think you’ll agree.”
And they may very well be funky, weird, and welcoming. But when it comes to the unwelcomed guests like gators in the pool, rats in the attic, or raccoons in the trash can, they are not quite so warm and welcoming.
And let’s face it, the beachy vibe there does not lend itself to wildlife intrusion panic! That is precisely why World Class Wildlife Removal reaches out to Gulfport people to get the unwanted pests out of their eclectic environment and to one more suitable.
Wildlife Removal in Gulfport
Pest infestation presents a safety issue for everyone in the household, which is why we offer prompt wildlife removal to Gulfport and the surrounding areas. So, we have put together this list of some wildlife we commonly remove from the Gulfport area. Just remember, you need to call us as soon as possible when you notice one of these critters in or near your home. The sooner it is out, the more minor damage they will be able to do.
Contact World Class Wildlife Removal for the safe and humane removal of those unwanted guests.
Mice and Rats
Mice and rats are more than a nuisance. These rodents will chew through almost anything causing immeasurable damage to your home. They carry many viruses and bacteria that could make you sick. The droppings and urine contain germs harmful to your health. Not to mention, their fleas will spread the disease to your family and pets. Therefore, we have several solutions for this type of wildlife removal in Gulfport.
World Class Wildlife Removal offers a range of rodent removal services, including glue traps, snap traps, and more. We safely remove all rodent nesting materials, disinfect the area, and seal up entry points.

Raccoons and Squirrels
If you have ever had a raccoon in the yard, you know raccoons are known for making a mess wherever they go. They will dig through your trash, upend your garden, and nest in your attic or shed.
When disturbed, they may even attack. Raccoons can also carry rabies, putting you and your pets at risk. We trap and remove raccoons from your Gulfport home.
Squirrels are another type of rodent that can wreak havoc in your Gulfport home. When they make their way into your attic and walls, they will chew through insulation and wiring to create a nesting area. Our wildlife removal team in Gulfport includes humane squirrel removal.
Stinky skunks mostly want to eat grubs and other lawn pests, but they will spray if startled. Because skunks have low vision, they spray to warn away threats and protect their babies.
If you have ever smelled the spray of a skunk, you know just why people call World Class Wildlife Removal to get the skunks as far away as possible.
Opossums and Gophers
Like skunks, opossums also eat nuisance insects, especially ticks. However, they and gophers dig tunnels and dens, which could leave a big mess on your lawn. If you have just planted new sod or relandscaped your yard, this is the last thing you want.
World Class safely traps and relocates possums and gophers.
Flying Pests: Honeybees, Bats, and Birds
Don’t forget to look up at the flying pests that may invade your home, attic, trees, and property. Honeybees are critical to the growth and development of many foods people eat. However, you sure don’t want a new honeybee hive on your property. They will sting when threatened, and many people have bee sting allergies.
World Class offers live honeybee trapping and will relocate the hive without killing the bees.
Bats and birds may be interesting to watch, but you don’t want them to build a nest in your home. Their droppings contain dangerous bacteria and viruses, and bat bites also transmit rabies.
Our wildlife removal services in Gulfport include humane trapping and release for bats and birds.

And Finally, the Slithering Snakes and Gators
Watch the ground, so you don’t step on snakes, and be sure there is not a gator in the pool before you dive on in.
Better yet, call the professionals at World Class if you even suspect you have a gator or a venomous snake on the property. You see, the warm, humid climate of Gulfport allows alligators and snakes to thrive. Obviously, venomous snakes and gators are a threat to both you and your pets. If you see either, call us to remove it.
Contact us today to make sure your Gulfport home gets the World Class Wildlife Removal services it deserves. And stay funky, Gulfport.