Can you use unmarked vehicles when you visit my residence or office?
Yes, we have unmarked vehicles available upon your request.
How long does removing the wildlife take?
Removing animals can happen instantly in some cases. Some instances require multiple trips to check traps, rebait or reconfigure trapping schemes.
Is it safe for my dog or cat?
Our services are targeted to specific locations that are out of sight to avoid contact with people and pets. We never put anyone in harm’s way.
Do you clean up after you’re done?
We always clean up after our services and will never leave a mess. We sanitize and disinfect extremely well.
Is there going to be dead animals in my attic?
Sometimes when trapping we use snap traps that will dispatch the rodent. We never leave the rodent long enough for a client to realize any odors.
What do you do with the animals after you catch them?
We relocate animals that we trap to an approval release sight to live happily ever after. We never euthanize our caught animals.
Do you work with dogs and cats?
We never get involved with dogs and cats as far as trapping goes. We refer all of these cases to the county.
Do you ever use poisons for removing wildlife?
We are a poison free company. We never use poison for any reason. Using poisons can cause serious negative outcomes.
Do you deal with cockroaches and termites?
We do not practice any insect related business.
What makes World Class Wildlife different form all the other companies in the industry?
Let’s start with our inspection process. We are extremely thorough in our multifaceted approach to Animal Removal and intrusion prevention. We leave no stone unturned and no questions unanswered. We are without a doubt the most comprehensive and precise company in the state.
How many rats do you typically removal from an average size residential home?
We’ve removed 2-14 rats from normal sized homes. (Under 2000 sq. ft.) We’ve removed 38 rats from an apartment building and 341 rats from a single commercial property. THERE IS NEVER JUST ONE.